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122 Karmapa 900 Celebration - New Delhi, India
  The Delhi stop of the international Karmapa 900 celebration took place from December 23-25, 2011. The three-day commemoration pays tribute to the 900-year old bond between India and the Karma Kagyu linage, with the performance of sacred Sanskrit dohas and a Tibetan cultural programme by the premier Tibetan performing arts group, TIPA. TIPA performed the poignant song composed by the 17th Karmapa as he was fleeing Tibet to seek religious freedom in India. Special guest speakers and guests from 43 countries around the world joined us in these special activities to mark the 900 years of flourishing of the Karmapa reincarnation lineage since Dusum Khyenpa's birth.
Karmapa 900 Celebration
Country City Date    
India Delhi 2011-12-23    
Category   Type Language Session
Karmapa 900 Celebrations Tibetan 2
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Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2011-12-30 Public Videos
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