Video Details

ID Title      
202 Emory Student's Interview with His Holiness 10 May 2012
  The Emory Tibetan Mind/Body Sciences Program is an immersion program that offers students the opportunity to meet leading spiritual teachers of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama and His Holiness the Karmapa, and engage with researchers at the forefront of the growing dialogue between the Tibetan Buddhist contemplative tradition and modern science. In conjunction with the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative, students study Buddhist philosophy, contemplative practice, Traditional Tibetan Medicine and the culture of Buddhist Tibet while actively engaging in dialogue with Tibetan monks and nuns studying neuroscience, biology, and physics with Emory science faculty.
Country City Date    
India Dharmsala 2012-05-10    
Category   Type Language Session
Speech Tibetan English 1
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Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2012-05-15 Public Videos
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