Video Details

ID Title      
487 At Redlands University
  The University of Redlands will welcome His Holiness the Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, to campus March 24, 2015, as the only Southern California stop on his third trip to the United States. Reigniting a years-long connection with the University and special bond with students, the Karmapa will interact with Redlands students, faculty, and alumni and accept an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree, presented by University President Ralph Kuncl. He will then offer a public lecture, “Living Interdependence,” at 7 p.m. in Memorial Chapel.
USA Tour 2015
University Talks 
Country City Date    
USA Los Angeles 2015-03-24    
Category   Type Language Session
North American Tour Teaching Tibetan English 2
Published Sites 
Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2015-03-30 Public Videos
Playlist Link
HD # Qnap Notes    
8 Yes