Video Details

ID Title      
519 Karmapa Confers Long-Life Empowerment on Tibetan Community of Washington
  In his final meeting with Tibetan communities during this trip, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa granted an Amitayus long-life empowerment and delivered a Dharma discourse to an audience of 1,350 people. This event, organized by the Tibetan Association of Washington, represents the eighth time during his two months in the United States that His Holiness made time to meet with Tibetans in various parts of the country.
USA Tour 2015
Meeting with Tibetan Communities  
Country City Date    
USA Seattle 2015-05-08    
Category   Type Language Session
North American Tour Empowerment Tibetan English 26
Published Sites      
Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2015-06-25 Public Videos
Playlist Link
HD # Qnap Notes    
8 No