Video Details

ID Title      
521 Karmapa Advocates Understanding Emptiness As a Means to Compassion
  His Holiness the Karmapa today delivered the last public teaching of his epic, two-month journey around the United States of America. The Karmapa resumed the topic of enacting compassion, drawing links from it to the topic that had been scheduled for this evening session, that of emptiness. The teaching formed the second session in a two-session event entitled “A Call to Compassionate Action,” organized by the Nalandabodhi community, headed by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, and translated by Mitra Tyler Dewar.
USA Tour 2015
Country City Date    
USA Seattle 2015-05-09    
Category   Type Language Session
North American Tour Teaching Tibetan English 28
Published Sites 
Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2015-07-16 Public Videos
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8 Yes