Video Details

ID Title      
545 不动佛灌顶
  To be unshakeable and imperturbable – i.e. not to let oneself be overwhelmed by strong emotions – is difficult for each of us. Nevertheless, meditating on Akshobhya can help us to develop the courage to overcome our anger from the very root and to coat ourselves with an “armor of patience”. The purpose and essence of Akshobhya meditation consists in changing our reaction towards aggression and violence. It means to develop patience rather than responding with violence, to let oneself be guided by love and compassion and thereby improve the situation for ourselves and others. This is more important than ever in the face of our technologized and globalized world in which all negative emotions and actions can have high negative impacts and lead to tremendous effects.
Germany Tour 2015
Akshobhya: Patience For A Peaceful World 
Country City Date    
Germany Frankfurt 2015-08-30    
Category   Type Language Session
European Tour Empowerment Tibetan Chinese 3
Published Sites 
Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2015-09-12 Public Videos
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