Date Events - 4
2012-12-21 30th Kagyu Monlam
2012-11-23 16th Kagyu Gunchoe
2012-10-27 Chod Teaching
2012-02-26 29th Kagyu Monlam
Date Sub-events - 5
2012-12-21 HH Karmapa teaching on The Three Primary Elements of the Path
2012-11-23 100 Short Instructions by Mikyo Dorje
2012-03-03 Karma Pakshi and a Jataka tale : A play with dance and a Tibetan opera
2012-03-01 HH Karmapa teaching on Pure Realms
2012-02-26 HH Karmapa teaching on Vajradhara Lineage Prayer
Date Videos - 38
2012-12-31 第十七世大寶法王開示《大手印了義炬》之一 (1)
2012-12-31 第十七世大寶法王開示《大手印了義炬》之一 (2)
2012-12-30 第四世蔣貢康楚仁波切〈遙呼上師祈請文〉開示
2012-12-28 十七世大寶法王討論噶舉傳乘佛學院的教育體系
2012-12-24 噶舉大祈願法會法王噶瑪巴《三主要道》開示 4 of 4
2012-12-23 噶舉大祈願法會法王噶瑪巴《三主要道》開示 3 of 4
2012-12-22 噶舉大祈願法會法王噶瑪巴《三主要道》開示 2 of 4
2012-12-21 噶舉大祈願法會法王噶瑪巴《三主要道》開示 1 of 4
2012-12-11 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》16/16
2012-12-10 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》15/16
2012-12-09 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》14/16
2012-12-08 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》13/16
2012-12-07 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》12/16
2012-12-03 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》11/16
2012-12-02 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》10/16
2012-12-01 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》9/16
2012-11-30 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》8/16
2012-11-29 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》7/16
2012-11-28 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》6/16
2012-11-27 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》5/16
2012-11-26 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》4/16
2012-11-25 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》3/16
2012-11-24 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》2/16
2012-11-23 第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴 開示第八世噶瑪巴米覺多傑的《百段引導文》1/16
2012-10-28 施身法開示 第2天
2012-10-27 施身法開示 第1天
2012-03-04 HH Karmapa teaching on Pure Realms - Chinese - Session 4 of 4
2012-03-03 HH Karmapa teaching on Pure Realms - Chinese - Session 3 of 4
2012-03-03 HH Karmapa closing speech after cultural performances - Chinese - Part 3 of 3
2012-03-03 Karma Pakshi and a Jataka tale : A play with dance and a Tibetan opera - Chinese Language Only
2012-03-03 Life Story of Karma Pakshi - 2nd Karmapa - Chinese - Part 1 of 3
2012-03-03 Cultural Performance by SUJA and Rumtek Opera Company - Chinese - Part 2 of 3
2012-03-02 HH Karmapa teaching on Pure Realms - Chinese - Session 2 of 4
2012-03-01 HH Karmapa teaching on Pure Realms - Chinese - Session 1 of 4
2012-02-28 HH Karmapa teaching on Vajradhara Lineage Prayer - Chinese - Session 3 of 3
2012-02-27 HH Karmapa teaching on Vajradhara Lineage Prayer - Chinese - Session 2 of 3
2012-02-26 HH Karmapa teaching on Vajradhara Lineage Prayer - Chinese - Session 1 of 3
2012-01-08 His Holiness Karmapa gives audience to devotees from South East Asia