Date Sub-events - 67
2023-03-19 Arya Kshema • Spring Teaching • 2023
2023-03-06 Arya Kshema Pujas
2023-01-30 The Life and Liberation of Atisha
2023-01-14 Teaching on the Thirty Three Verses
2021-02-15 Arya Kshema - Jewel Ornament of Liberation
2021-01-20 རྐྱེན་ཟློག་སྨོན་ལམ་ཆེན་མོ། ཉིན་དང་པོ། Aspirations to End Adversity Day 1 除障祈願共修 第一天
2020-12-28 Four Dharmas of Gampopa
2020-02-14 6th Arya Kshema - Jewel Ornament of Liberation
2020-02-02 His Eminence Gyaltsap Rinpoche on Kharak Gomchung's Seventy-Two Exhortations
2020-01-28 Meditation Instructions by Mingyur Rinpoche
2019-01-14 Seven Points of Mind Training
2019-01-09 Ganges Mahamudra
2018-10-27 Teaching ot students in Toronto The Power of Compassion
2018-06-06 Teachings on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path
2018-05-29 The 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva
2018-02-26 Teachings on Potowa?s Long Soliloquy
2018-02-26 Kagyu Monalm
2018-02-22 Gyaltsab Rinpoche Teachings on the Aspiration of Mahamdura
2018-02-22 Meditation Instructions with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
2017-06-23 Teaching on Akshobya
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times
2017-05-20 8 Verses for Training the Mind
2017-03-06 4th Arya Kshema teaching on Jewel Ornament of Liberation
2017-02-13 བློ་སྦྱོང་ཆིག་ལབ་རིང་མོའི་བཀའ་ཁྲིད། / Teachings on Potowa’s Long Soliloquy 1/4
2017-02-13 Kagyu Monalm
2017-02-09 Teachings on The Torch of True Meaning
2017-01-17 100 Short Instructions by Mikyo Dorje
2016-05-21 Meditation: Source of Inner Peace
2016-02-26 19th Kagyu Gunchoe - Teaching
2016-02-26 དྭགས་པོ་ཆོས་བཞིའི་སྐོར་དང་། ལུས་མདོར་བསྟན་གྱི་སྐོར།
2016-02-16 Teachings on Potowa?s Long Soliloquy
2016-02-16 Kagyu Monalm
2016-02-12 Teachings on The Torch of True Meaning
2016-01-14 3rd Arya Kshema - Jewel Ornament of Liberation
2015-08-29 Akshobhya: Patience For A Peaceful World
2015-08-27 Chenrezig: Viewing the World with Compassion
2015-04-19 Teaching at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra
2015-04-18 Teaching at UPAC in Kingston, NY
2015-04-04 At KTC New Jersey
2015-03-17 University Talks
2015-03-17 Meeting with Tibetan Communities
2015-01-21 Introduction and Details of Finidng Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche's Yangsi
2015-01-08 2nd Arya Kshema teaching on Jewel Ornament of Liberation
2014-12-29 Jamgon Kontrul Rinpoche teachings on The Four Freedoms from Attachment
2014-12-29 Kagyu Monalm
2014-12-26 Gyalwang Karmapa's Teachings on The Torch of True
2014-12-20 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of ?Knowing One Frees All?
2014-11-28 100 Short Instructions of the 8th Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje
2014-06-05 Berlin Dharma Talks
2014-05-29 Short Ngondro Teaching
2014-01-21 Arya Keshma Teaching on Jewel Ornament of Liberation
2014-01-11 Eight Verses of Training the Mind
2014-01-03 Gyalwang Karmapa's teaching on The Torch of Certainty
2013-12-06 17th Kagyu Gunchoe - Teaching
2012-12-31 The Torch of Certainty, a teaching by the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
2012-12-21 HH Karmapa teaching on The Three Primary Elements of the Path
2012-12-15 16th Kagyu Gunchoe - Vinaya Conference
2012-11-23 100 Short Instructions by Mikyo Dorje
2012-03-03 Karma Pakshi and a Jataka tale : A play with dance and a Tibetan opera
2012-03-01 HH Karmapa teaching on Pure Realms
2012-02-26 HH Karmapa teaching on Vajradhara Lineage Prayer
2012-02-07 Vinaya Conference - 15th Kagyu Gunchoe
2011-07-20 His Holiness Karmapa Gives a Talk at the New Jersey KTC
2011-07-18 His Holiness teaching at KTD
2010-12-15 His Holiness Karmapa - Teaching at the 28th Kagyu Monlam Chenmo
2010-12-10 Lamp on the Path to Enlightenment