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1299 32nd Kagyu Monlam Chenmo - Special Program Day 4pm
  At the request of the Kagyu Monlam Committee, the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje will kindly bestow a special series of initiations, the twenty-four peaceful deities of “Knowing One Frees All”. This is the special program prior to the 32nd Kagyu Monlam. The initiations are to be given in commemoration of the First Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche, who passed away twenty-five years ago, and of the 2nd Kyabje Bokar Rinpoche, who passed away ten years ago. The initiation text “Knowing One Frees All” [Tib. chig shes kun drol] was composed by the 9th Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje [1556 – 1603 C.E.]. Having collected together many sadhanas of both peaceful and wrathful deities, he made a common text which could be used to unify the initiation for all forty five deities. For this reason it is called “knowing one frees all’.
32nd Kagyu Monlam
His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of ?Knowing One Frees All? 
Country City Date    
India Bodhgaya 2014-12-23    
Category   Type Language Session
Monlam Puja Tibetan 7
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