Video Details

ID Title      
149 HH Karmapa giving a speech during Bodh Mahotsava 2012
  His Holiness Karmapa offered a speech during the 1st day of the Bodh Mahotsava 2012 in Bodhgaya, India. "Celebrating Enlightenment" is a yearly event dedicated to commemorating the enlightenment of Buddha Shkayamuni, an event which took place here in Bodhgaya over 2,600 years ago. His Holiness gave the speech directly in English.
Kalacharka 2012
Country City Date    
India Bodhgaya 2012-02-03    
Category   Type Language Session
Speech Tibetan English 1
Published Sites      
Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2012-02-04 Public Videos
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