Video Details

ID Title      
203 HH Karmapa's teaching during the Tara empowerment at Dekyiling Tibetan settlement Dehradun.
  His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa conferred the Tara empowerment (seng-den nag-kyi-dolma wang) and gave teaching at the Tibetan settlement of Dekyiling. The empowerment was requested by the people of the Dekyiling settlement. More then ten thousand people from the nearby Tibetan settlements and many students from Bhutan attended the empowerment and teaching at the Dekyiling. As mentioned in tengyur This "seng-den nag-kyi Dolma" Tara empowerment has originate from Nagarjuna and the lineage has continued to Dhuesum Khenpa and on.
Country City Date    
India Deradun 2012-08-30    
Category   Type Language Session
Empowerment Tibetan 1
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Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2012-09-18 Public Videos
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