Video Details

ID Title      
286 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Meets Students at Central Tibetan University in Sarnath
  March 9, 2013 Today the Gyalwang Karmapa responded to a request for a talk from the Central University of Tibetan Studies. Sitting majestically on an elaborately carved throne, the Karmapa accepted katas from the faculty and administration of the University. He spoke eloquently about the detrimental effect of sectarian rivalry that can be found in Tibetan history and encouraged everyone to develop a genuine appreciation for all the traditions, which come from the same source.
Country City Date    
India Varanasi 2013-03-09    
Category   Type Language Session
Teaching Tibetan 1
Published Sites 
Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2013-03-10 Public Videos
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4 Yes