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375 Teaching on the Four Common Practices of Mahamudra
  May 5th-7th, Tilokpur. The Four Common Practices of Mahamudra, also known as the Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind. The Karmapa noted that these teachings came from the great master Gampopa, who taught Mahamudra from the lineage of Marpa and Milarepa, but that the preliminaries came from the Kadampa of Atisha. The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind are the appreciation of our precious human life, the realization of death and impermanence, the recognition of the defects of samsara, and the cause and effect of karma. We must be thankful for the leisure and resources we have to practice the dharma and put our meditation practice and studies to use in our day-to-day lives. No matter how much practice or how many rituals we do, if we do not make an active attempt to change our mind-stream and consciously practice kindness and compassion, then our afflictions will not decrease. Some people do not look at their own faults and afflictions, but only the thoughts and afflictions of others. This develops pride and arrogance and shows that the dharma is being practiced incorrectly.
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India Dharmsala 2014-05-06    
Category   Type Language Session
Teaching Tibetan English Chinese 1
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