Video Details

ID Title      
520 Compassion Itself Is an Action: Karmapa in Dialogue with Young Activists
  His Holiness the Karmapa this morning shared the stage with six young activists whose life work puts into direct action the principles and values that His Holiness has been encouraging throughout his two-month trip. In an event organized by the Nalandabodhi community headed by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, the Karmapa first delivered a talk entitled “A Call to Compassionate Action,” and then participated in a panel discussion with the six area leaders on issues of social justice.
USA Tour 2015
Country City Date    
USA Seattle 2015-05-09    
Category   Type Language Session
North American Tour Speech Tibetan English 27
Published Sites 
Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2015-07-16 Public Videos
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