Video Details

ID Title      
522 The Gyalwang Karmapa Talks with Tibetan Children Living in Abroad (2015.07.27)
  The Tibetan children living abroad to learn Tibetan language, culture, and history along with the basic principles of Buddhism. Through visits and interaction with TCV children, the program allows Tibetan youth from abroad to experience firsthand the Tibetan exile community in India. These five weeks enable the children to get a feel for the Tibetan spirit, and this helps them to maintain their identity in exile. They can also come to a better understanding and appreciation for the Tibetan cause and aspirations. On the morning of July 27, the students from the summer school came to Sidhbari where the Gyalwang Karmapa spoke with them. For english translation pls visit
Country City Date    
India Dharmsala 2015-07-27    
Category   Type Language Session
Speech Tibetan 1
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Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2015-07-28 Public Videos
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