Video Details

ID Title      
531 Love, Compassion, Rejoicing & Equanimity. Without Limit.
  The heartfelt wish for all beings to be happy, the willingness to reduce others’ suffering at one’s best at all times and a true feeling of joy regarding the happiness and merits of others, going along with a relaxed and equinamite state of mind that does not differ between friend and enemy – this may all seem like the fantasy of a utopian paradise. However, the Four Immeasurables are more than just a beautiful fantasy; they are the basic foundation for the generation of bodhicitta: the immovable resolution to achieve buddhahood, to enter the path leading there and to stride through that path in order to help all beings to reach ultimate happiness.
Germany Tour 2015
Country City Date    
Germany Frankfurt 2015-08-30    
Category   Type Language Session
European Tour Teaching Tibetan English 1
Published Sites 
Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2015-09-05 Public Videos
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