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ID Title      
547 Umweltschutz JETZT! Vom Willen zum Handeln
  The development of compassion alone is not enough to save and protect our environment —what we all need as well is the willingness to act! Karmapa always focuses on how to integrate basic Buddhist principles such as wisdom, compassion and interconnectedness into everyday life in the 21st century. He is critical of the culture of consumerism which dominates much of the world today and he urges us to take personal responsibility for and to actively engage in sustainability and protection of the environment, in light of climate change. Throughout the world, the Karmapa has attracted respect and support because he is known to be someone who “walks the talk“, not only advocating change but taking active steps towards the realisation of his vision. He has spoken out frankly about the destruction of the environment and the effects of climate change in his homeland, urging the international community to work together to protect Tibet’s fragile environment, since at least a third of the world’s population depends on water from the Himalayan region. This active commitment earned him the title of ‘Green Buddha’ when he visited the headquarters of the WWF in Washington in 2011. During this evening, the Karmapa will discuss how we ourselves can become an active “Green Buddha”, how we can develop the required power of will, and how we can transform our knowledge of environmentalism and climate change into action in our own lives– with wisdom and compassion!
Germany Tour 2015
Country City Date    
Germany Frankfurt 2015-08-28    
Category   Type Language Session
European Tour Teaching Tibetan German 1
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Youtube Link Upload Date YT Status YT Type 2015-09-14 Public Videos
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