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551 6th Khoryug Conference Day 2, - Connect with the Environment through Your Heart.
  November 14, 2015 Today the delegates to the sixth Khoryug conference continued their discussions at Norbulingka Institute. Nestled back from the road between Dharamsala and Gyuto Monastery, the Institute offers an oasis of natural stone paths that wind over little streams and under leafy canopies of trees flush from monsoon rains. On the way to the radiant shrine hall where the Khoryug conference was held, participants pass a huge poinsettia tree cascading its starry red blossoms down to a pond while just beyond it, a mani wheel turns in the heart of a rivulet flowing down the hill. The site has provided a perfect setting for a conference on the environment. This morning, the Gyalwang Karmapa came to speak especially with the new participants and explain the purpose of Khoryug and what it supports. By way of introduction he gave two reasons why he started Khoryug in 2009. On a personal level, he was born in an area of Eastern Tibet known as Lhatok where he lived a simple nomadic life, passing his young years in such close contact with the natural world that it became a part of him. So when he speaks of the environment, it’s not just based on a sequence of logic or some understanding, but a very special, deep feeling. Showing this naturally, the Karmapa often touched the area of his heart as he spoke.
6th Khoryug Conference
Country City Date    
India Dharmsala 2015-11-14    
Category   Type Language Session
Khoryug Conference Tibetan 1
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