Date Events - 3
2014-12-26 32nd Kagyu Monlam
2014-05-29 Germany Tour 2014
2014-01-03 31st Kagyu Monlam
Date Sub-events - 2
2014-12-20 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of ?Knowing One Frees All?
2014-06-05 Berlin Dharma Talks
Date Videos - 16
2014-12-23 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 4
2014-12-22 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 3
2014-12-22 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 3
2014-12-21 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 2
2014-12-21 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 2
2014-12-20 HH the Sakya Trizin Bestows the Muni Trisamaya Vyuha Empowerment (English)
2014-12-20 བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་སྨོན་ལམ་སྐབས་སོ་གཉིས་པར་དཔལ་ས་སྐྱའི་བདག་ཁྲི་རྡོ་རྗེ་འཆང་ནས་སྩལ་བའི་བཀའ་སློབ།
2014-12-20 Trisamayavyūha Empowerment Bestowed by His Holiness Sakya Trizin - Chinese
2014-12-20 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 1
2014-06-08 噶瑪巴希灌頂
2014-06-08 Einweihung „Karma Pakshi"
2014-05-29 Medicine Buddha Empowerment
2014-05-07 Vajrasattva Initiation Teaching
2014-02-22 Long Life Empowerment in Delhi
2014-02-09 Medicine Buddha Empowerment - Translation in ( हिन्दी )
2014-01-15 尊勝的國師嘉察仁波切於印度菩提迦耶第31屆噶舉大祈願法會給予說法開示