Event Details

ID Event          
49 Canada Tour 2017
Catgory   Type   Published Websites
North American Tour   Teaching Empowerment Puja Conference Visit Speech   www.kagyuoffice.org
Country City Start Date End Date      
Canada Vancuver Toronto Calgary 2017-05-29 2017-06-26      
Tibetan Spanish Vietnamese English Chinese
Youtube Qnap Storage        
Yes Yes 13        

Date Sub-events - 2
2017-06-23 Teaching on Akshobya
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times

Date Videos - 30
2017-06-27 Long Life Offering to the Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
2017-06-25 Akshobya Empowerment
2017-06-24 Teaching on Akshobya 2/2
2017-06-24 不動佛課程 2/2
2017-06-23 Teaching on Akshobya 1/2
2017-06-23 不動佛課程 1/2
2017-06-22 Wade Davis in Conversation with the Karmapa
2017-06-20 Gyalwang Karmapa visits Kagyu Kunkhyab Chuling
2017-06-20 Gyalwang Karmapa visits Nalandabodhi Center in Vanvouver, Canada
2017-06-20 Gyalwang Karmapa visits Palpung Phende Kunkyab Vanvoucer
2017-06-19 Chenrezig Empowerment & Audience with the Tibetan Community
2017-06-19 Chenrezig Empowerment & Audience with the Tibetan Community
2017-06-18 The Gyalwang Karmapa arrives at Thrangu Monastery, Vancouver, Canada
2017-06-18 Gyalwang Karmapa Arrives at Thrangu Monastery in Vancouver, Canada
2017-06-14 Public Talk & Audience with the Tibetan Community in Calgary
2017-06-10 2017 06 10 Canadian Tibetan
2017-06-05 Tenshug Long Life Offering & White Tara Empowerment
2017-06-05 长寿献供和白度母灌顶
2017-06-04 8 Verses on Mind Training teaching at the Tibetan Canadian Cultural Center
2017-06-03 Finding Freedom Through Meditation - Chinese
2017-06-03 Finding Freedom Through Meditation
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 1/2 - Chinese
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 2/2 - Chinese
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 1/2
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 2/2
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 1/2 - Vietnamese
2017-06-01 Transforming Disturbing Emotions: Dialogue of the Three Major Traditions of Buddhism
2017-05-31 Mindfulness and Environmental Responsibility
2017-05-31 Gyalwang Karmapa visits Karme Sonam Darje Ling in Toronto
2017-05-29 2017 05 29 arrival - Canada