
Date Events - 4
2018-06-06 9th North American Kagyu Monlam
2017-05-29 Canada Tour 2017
2015-03-17 USA Tour 2015
2011-07-11 USA Tour 2011
Date Sub-events - 10
2018-06-06 Teachings on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path
2017-06-23 Teaching on Akshobya
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times
2015-04-19 Teaching at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra
2015-04-18 Teaching at UPAC in Kingston, NY
2015-04-04 At KTC New Jersey
2015-03-17 University Talks
2015-03-17 Meeting with Tibetan Communities
2011-07-20 His Holiness Karmapa Gives a Talk at the New Jersey KTC
2011-07-18 His Holiness teaching at KTD
Date Videos - 62
2018-06-09 Teachings on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path 4/4
2018-06-09 課程:三主要道 菩提道次第祈願文 4/4
2018-06-08 Teachings on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path 3/4
2018-06-08 課程:三主要道 菩提道次第祈願文 3/4
2018-06-07 Teachings on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path 2/4
2018-06-07 課程:三主要道 菩提道次第祈願文 2/4
2018-06-06 Teachings on The Three Principal Aspects of the Path 1/4
2018-06-06 課程:三主要道 菩提道次第祈願文 1/4
2017-06-24 Teaching on Akshobya 2/2
2017-06-24 不動佛課程 2/2
2017-06-23 Teaching on Akshobya 1/2
2017-06-23 不動佛課程 1/2
2017-06-22 Wade Davis in Conversation with the Karmapa
2017-06-04 8 Verses on Mind Training teaching at the Tibetan Canadian Cultural Center
2017-06-03 Finding Freedom Through Meditation - Chinese
2017-06-03 Finding Freedom Through Meditation
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 1/2 - Chinese
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 2/2 - Chinese
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 1/2
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 2/2
2017-06-01 Transforming Disturbing Emotions: Dialogue of the Three Major Traditions of Buddhism
2017-05-31 Mindfulness and Environmental Responsibility
2015-05-09 Karmapa Advocates Understanding Emptiness As a Means to Compassion
2015-05-09 Compassion Itself Is an Action: Karmapa in Dialogue with Young Activists
2015-05-06 Visits America’s Second Largest Tibetan Community in Minneapolis
2015-05-05 At Tergar Mediation Community
2015-05-05 At University of Madison, Wisconsin
2015-05-04 Meeting with Tibetan Community of Wisconsin
2015-05-04 Visiting KTC Chicago
2015-05-02 Prayers for Victims of Earthquake in Nepal
2015-04-24 At Kunzang Palchen Ling
2015-04-24 At Kagyu Thubten Choling
2015-04-22 Karmapa meets with people from Woodstock
2015-04-20 Teaching at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra 3 / 4
2015-04-20 Teaching at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra 4 / 4
2015-04-19 Teaching at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra 1 / 4
2015-04-19 Teaching at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra 2 / 4
2015-04-19 Karma Pakshi Empowerment Teaching
2015-04-18 Teaching at UPAC in Kingston, NY 1/2
2015-04-18 Teaching at UPAC in Kingston, NY 2/2
2015-04-14 At Ethical Cultural Society
2015-04-13 At Karmapa Service Society
2015-04-10 Talk to Tibetan Community of New York City - Tibetan Only
2015-04-08 At Yale University
2015-04-07 大寶法王噶瑪巴在耶魯大學開示
2015-04-07 At Yale University
2015-04-04 At KTC New Jersey - Part 1 of 2
2015-04-04 At KTC New Jersey - Part 2 of 2
2015-04-01 At Princeton University
2015-04-01 大寶法王噶瑪巴在普林斯頓大學開示
2015-03-26 At Harvard University
2015-03-26 大寶法王噶瑪巴在哈佛大學開示
2015-03-24 At Redlands University
2015-03-24 大寶法王噶瑪巴在雷德蘭茲大學開示
2015-03-19 At Karma Droden Kunchab
2015-03-19 Meeting with Tibetan Community in San Francisco
2015-03-17 Talk at Stanford University
2011-07-20 His Holiness Karmapa Gives a Talk at the New Jersey KTC
2011-07-19 His Holiness teaching at KTD - Chinese - 3 of 3
2011-07-18 His Holiness teaching at KTD - English - 1 of 3
2011-07-18 His Holiness teaching at KTD - Chinese - 1 of 3
2011-07-18 His Holiness teaching at KTD - Chinese - 2 of 3