
Date Events - 4
2016-05-21 European Tour 2016
2015-08-26 Germany Tour 2015
2014-05-29 Germany Tour 2014
2010-05-28 Talk for Dharma Centers in Europe
Date Sub-events - 6
2017-05-20 8 Verses for Training the Mind
2016-05-21 Meditation: Source of Inner Peace
2015-08-29 Akshobhya: Patience For A Peaceful World
2015-08-27 Chenrezig: Viewing the World with Compassion
2014-06-05 Berlin Dharma Talks
2014-05-29 Short Ngondro Teaching
Date Videos - 81
2017-05-27 Gyalwang Karmapa Meets with the Nepali Community in London
2017-05-27 Gyalwang Karmapa Meets with the Nepali Community in London
2017-05-21 8 Verses for Training the Mind 3/4
2017-05-21 8 Verses for Training the Mind 4/4
2017-05-21 開示:〈修心八頌〉 3/4
2017-05-21 開示:〈修心八頌〉 4/4
2017-05-20 8 Verses for Training the Mind 1/4
2017-05-20 8 Verses for Training the Mind 2/4
2017-05-20 開示:〈修心八頌〉 1/4
2017-05-20 開示:〈修心八頌〉 2/4
2016-06-05 Le bonheur et la paix
2016-06-05 Conference on Happiness & Peace
2016-06-05 開示:四聖諦 2/2
2016-06-05 La conferencia sobre la felicidad y la paz
2016-06-04 Les 4 Nobles Vérités I
2016-06-04 Les 4 Nobles Vérités II
2016-06-04 The Four Noble Truths I
2016-06-04 The Four Noble Truths II
2016-06-04 開示:四聖諦 2/2
2016-06-04 Las cuatro verdades nobles 1/2
2016-06-04 Las cuatro verdades nobles 2/2
2016-06-04 開示:四聖諦 1/2
2016-05-28 Transforming Your Daily Sufferings I
2016-05-28 Transforming Your Daily Sufferings II
2016-05-28 Alltägliches leiden umwandeln 1/2
2016-05-28 Alltägliches leiden umwandeln 2/2
2016-05-23 The Karmapa visits the University of Lausanne
2016-05-22 Bouddhisme et Science
2016-05-22 Conference: Buddhism & Science
2016-05-22 Buddhism and Environmental Care
2016-05-22 Buddhismus und respekt für die umwelt
2016-05-21 La méditation, source de paix intérieure 1/2
2016-05-21 Meditation: Source of Inner Peace 1/2
2016-05-21 La méditation, source de paix intérieure 2/2
2016-05-21 Meditation: Source of Inner Peace 2/2
2015-08-30 Love, Compassion, Rejoicing & Equanimity. Without Limit.
2015-08-30 Vortrag | Liebe, Mitgefühl, Mitfreude & Gleichmut. Grenzenlos
2015-08-30 无量慈爱心、慈悲心、随喜心及清净心
2015-08-30 Akshobhya Empowerment
2015-08-30 Ermächtigung Akshobhya: Geduld für eine friedliche Welt
2015-08-30 不动佛灌顶
2015-08-30 Meeting with the Himalayan Community
2015-08-29 Akshobhya: Patience For A Peaceful World Part 1 / 2
2015-08-29 Vortrag | Akshobhya: Geduld für eine friedliche Welt Teil 1 / 2
2015-08-29 Vortrag | Akshobhya: Geduld für eine friedliche Welt Teil 2 / 2
2015-08-29 不动佛:培养耐心世界和平 法王开示 (一)
2015-08-29 不动佛:培养耐心世界和平 法王开示 (二)
2015-08-29 Akshobhya: Patience For A Peaceful World Part 2 / 2
2015-08-28 COMPASSION in ACTION Environmentalism for the 21st Century
2015-08-28 化慈悲为行动:二十一世纪的环保主义
2015-08-28 Umweltschutz JETZT! Vom Willen zum Handeln
2015-08-28 Chenrezig Empowerment
2015-08-28 Ermächtigung Chenrezig: Die Welt mit Mitgefühl betrachten
2015-08-28 观音菩萨灌顶
2015-08-27 Chenrezig: Viewing the World with Compassion Part 1/2
2015-08-27 Chenrezig: Viewing the World with Compassion Part 2/2
2015-08-27 Chenrezig: Die Welt mit Mitgefühl betrachten - Vortrag Teil 1/2
2015-08-27 Chenrezig: Die Welt mit Mitgefühl betrachten - Vortrag Teil 2/2
2015-08-27 大悲观世音菩萨:慈悲看世界 1/2
2015-08-27 大悲观世音菩萨:慈悲看世界 2/2
2014-06-08 Karma Pakshi Empowerment Teaching and Farewell Speeches
2014-06-08 Young People meet The Karmapa
2014-06-08 法王噶瑪巴會見新生代:未來即是當下——今日的新生代是未來的希望
2014-06-08 噶瑪巴希灌頂
2014-06-07 His Holiness Karmapa speaks during the cultural program in Berlin
2014-06-07 Changing the World from the Inside Out -- Love and Compassion for a globalised World
2014-06-07 由內而外改變世界——全球化世界中的慈悲
2014-06-07 開展內在的平靜——禪修的藝術暨文藝表演
2014-06-06 Mind Training -- Taming The Mind and Cultivating Loving Kindness
2014-06-06 Buddhism and the Environment -- Living in Harmony with our Planet
2014-06-06 修心——調心與培養慈悲心
2014-06-06 佛教與環境——與地球和諧共處
2014-06-05 Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World. Heart advice for a Meaningful Life
2014-06-05 現代社會的古老智慧:具義人生的衷心建言
2014-05-30 Mahamudra Teaching - Nurburing, Germany
2014-05-29 Short Ngondro Teaching Part 1 of 2 ( Germany )
2014-05-29 Short Ngondro Teaching Part 2 of 2 ( Germany )
2014-05-29 Medicine Buddha Empowerment
2010-05-28 His Holiness Karmapa - Talk for Dharma Centers in Europe - Chinese Version
2010-05-28 His Holiness Karmapa - Talk for Dharma Centers in Europe - Tibetan Version
2010-05-28 His Holiness Karmapa - Talk for Dharma Centers in Europe - English Version