
Date Events - 2
2018-10-27 Teaching to Students in Toronto, Canada
2017-05-29 Canada Tour 2017
Date Sub-events - 3
2018-10-27 Teaching ot students in Toronto The Power of Compassion
2017-06-23 Teaching on Akshobya
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times
Date Videos - 43
2018-10-28 བྱམས་བརྩེའི་ནུས་སྟོབས། 3/4
2018-10-28 བྱམས་བརྩེའི་ནུས་སྟོབས། 4/4
2018-10-28 The Power of Compassion 3/4
2018-10-28 The Power of Compassion 4/4
2018-10-28 慈悲的力量 3/4
2018-10-28 慈悲的力量 4/4
2018-10-28 El poder de la compasión: enseñanzas sobre Avalokiteshvara 3/4
2018-10-28 El poder de la compasión: enseñanzas sobre Avalokiteshvara 4/4
2018-10-27 བྱམས་བརྩེའི་ནུས་སྟོབས། 1/4
2018-10-27 བྱམས་བརྩེའི་ནུས་སྟོབས། 2/4
2018-10-27 The Power of Compassion 1/4
2018-10-27 The Power of Compassion 2/4
2018-10-27 慈悲的力量 1/4
2018-10-27 慈悲的力量 2/4
2017-06-27 Long Life Offering to the Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
2017-06-25 Akshobya Empowerment
2017-06-24 Teaching on Akshobya 2/2
2017-06-24 不動佛課程 2/2
2017-06-23 Teaching on Akshobya 1/2
2017-06-23 不動佛課程 1/2
2017-06-22 Wade Davis in Conversation with the Karmapa
2017-06-20 Gyalwang Karmapa visits Kagyu Kunkhyab Chuling
2017-06-20 Gyalwang Karmapa visits Nalandabodhi Center in Vanvouver, Canada
2017-06-20 Gyalwang Karmapa visits Palpung Phende Kunkyab Vanvoucer
2017-06-19 Chenrezig Empowerment & Audience with the Tibetan Community
2017-06-19 Chenrezig Empowerment & Audience with the Tibetan Community
2017-06-18 The Gyalwang Karmapa arrives at Thrangu Monastery, Vancouver, Canada
2017-06-14 Public Talk & Audience with the Tibetan Community in Calgary
2017-06-10 2017 06 10 Canadian Tibetan
2017-06-05 Tenshug Long Life Offering & White Tara Empowerment
2017-06-05 长寿献供和白度母灌顶
2017-06-04 8 Verses on Mind Training teaching at the Tibetan Canadian Cultural Center
2017-06-03 Finding Freedom Through Meditation - Chinese
2017-06-03 Finding Freedom Through Meditation
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 1/2 - Chinese
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 2/2 - Chinese
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 1/2
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 2/2
2017-06-02 How to Apply Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times 1/2 - Vietnamese
2017-06-01 Transforming Disturbing Emotions: Dialogue of the Three Major Traditions of Buddhism
2017-05-31 Mindfulness and Environmental Responsibility
2017-05-31 Gyalwang Karmapa visits Karme Sonam Darje Ling in Toronto
2017-05-29 2017 05 29 arrival - Canada