
Date Events - 14
2020-01-28 37th Kagyu Monlam
2019-01-09 36th Kagyu Monlam
2018-06-06 9th North American Kagyu Monlam
2018-05-29 KKF Teaching in Riverside Churh
2018-02-22 35th Kagyu Monlam
2018-02-04 Teaching in Queens College - 8 Verses that Train the Mind
2017-05-29 Canada Tour 2017
2017-05-22 UK Tour 2017
2015-08-26 Germany Tour 2015
2015-03-17 USA Tour 2015
2014-12-26 32nd Kagyu Monlam
2014-05-29 Germany Tour 2014
2014-01-03 31st Kagyu Monlam
2012-10-27 Chod Teaching
Date Sub-events - 8
2020-01-28 Meditation Instructions by Mingyur Rinpoche
2018-02-26 Kagyu Monalm
2015-08-29 Akshobhya: Patience For A Peaceful World
2015-08-27 Chenrezig: Viewing the World with Compassion
2015-04-19 Teaching at Karma Triyana Dharmachakra
2015-03-17 Meeting with Tibetan Communities
2014-12-20 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of ?Knowing One Frees All?
2014-06-05 Berlin Dharma Talks
Date Videos - 52
2020-02-09 37th Kagyu Monlam, Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche, The Red Crown Ceremony and Long Life Empowerment
2020-02-09 第37屆噶舉大祈願法會尊勝的國師嘉察仁波切給予紅寶冠儀式暨長壽灌頂
2020-02-09 བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་སྨོན་ལམ་ཆེན་མོ་ཐེངས་སོ་བདུན་པ། གོ་ཤྲི་རྒྱལ་ཚབ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་ཞྭ་མཇལ་དང་ཚེ་དབང་།
2019-01-13 རྒྱལ་བ་རྒྱ་མཚོ་ལྷ་ལྔའི་གཏོར་དབང་། . / . The Torma Empowerment of the Five Deities of Gyalwa Gyatso
2019-01-13 五尊勝海(紅)觀音灌頂
2018-06-11 World Peace Lamp Prayer Gathering: The Marme Monlam
2018-06-10 觀音菩薩灌頂
2018-06-10 སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས་ཀྱི་བཀའ་དབང་། / Avalokiteshvara Empowerment
2018-06-10 Iniciación de Avalokiteshvara
2018-06-01 金剛薩埵灌頂
2018-06-01 Vajrasattva Empowerment
2018-06-01 Vajrasattva Empowerment - Spanish
2018-05-27 Akshobya Empowerment Talk
2018-03-05 RED CROWN CEREMONY AND LONG LIFE EMPOWERMENT bestowed by the 12th Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche
2018-02-04 Empoderamiento de Tara Verde
2018-02-04 綠度母灌頂
2018-02-04 Green Tara Empowerment
2018-01-29 Thangtong Gyalpo Longevity Empowerment
2018-01-29 Thangtong Gyalpo Longevity Empowerment
2018-01-29 Thangtong Gyalpo Longevity Empowerment
2017-06-25 Akshobya Empowerment
2017-06-19 Chenrezig Empowerment & Audience with the Tibetan Community
2017-06-19 Chenrezig Empowerment & Audience with the Tibetan Community
2017-06-05 Tenshug Long Life Offering & White Tara Empowerment
2017-06-05 长寿献供和白度母灌顶
2017-05-27 Long Life Empowerment - Buddhist Community Center UK
2015-08-30 Akshobhya Empowerment
2015-08-30 Ermächtigung Akshobhya: Geduld für eine friedliche Welt
2015-08-30 不动佛灌顶
2015-08-28 Chenrezig Empowerment
2015-08-28 Ermächtigung Chenrezig: Die Welt mit Mitgefühl betrachten
2015-08-28 观音菩萨灌顶
2015-05-08 Karmapa Confers Long-Life Empowerment on Tibetan Community of Washington
2015-04-19 Karma Pakshi Empowerment Teaching
2014-12-23 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 4
2014-12-22 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 3
2014-12-22 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 3
2014-12-21 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 2
2014-12-21 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 2
2014-12-20 HH the Sakya Trizin Bestows the Muni Trisamaya Vyuha Empowerment (English)
2014-12-20 བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་སྨོན་ལམ་སྐབས་སོ་གཉིས་པར་དཔལ་ས་སྐྱའི་བདག་ཁྲི་རྡོ་རྗེ་འཆང་ནས་སྩལ་བའི་བཀའ་སློབ།
2014-12-20 Trisamayavyūha Empowerment Bestowed by His Holiness Sakya Trizin - Chinese
2014-12-20 His Holiness Karmapa - The Initiations of “Knowing One Frees All” Day 1
2014-06-08 噶瑪巴希灌頂
2014-06-08 Einweihung „Karma Pakshi"
2014-05-29 Medicine Buddha Empowerment
2014-05-07 Vajrasattva Initiation Teaching
2014-02-22 Long Life Empowerment in Delhi
2014-02-09 Medicine Buddha Empowerment - Translation in ( हिन्दी )
2014-01-15 尊勝的國師嘉察仁波切於印度菩提迦耶第31屆噶舉大祈願法會給予說法開示
2012-10-26 Chod - Teaching on the Empowerment Day
2012-08-30 HH Karmapa's teaching during the Tara empowerment at Dekyiling Tibetan settlement Dehradun.